
Darling Adelaide.

We often talk about knowing things. I want you to know your letters, your numbers, science, and most especially history. We go over Bible stories over and over in hopes that they stick with you and in turn you will learn to discern them yourself. We speak of God's love, and persons of the Trinity to show you the reason we are, and that you may too love. But darling there is one thing I want you to know that you'll never know.


The Lord while present and near, Jesus as Man and God is both tangible and inexpressible - it is a unique in breaking in our human history and thus it is the greatest of all mysterious. Our theologians will write many words, but the best ones end with "this is mystery". I hope you live in a posture of discovery, and mystery.

Whether it be in learning of the other, discussing hot topic items, or learning more of God - have a posture of humility. You may know, but there is always space to know more fully, to be more faithful in our truth. When you encounter, and I say when because it will happen even everyday, diversity of opinion be the one that speaks softly and loves strongly but is steadfast in Truth. For my beloved Truth became a person, and we know can truly know Truth that is Jesus - but until eternity comes we see but through a veil, a mirror dimmed and so we seek His face ever more.

Stand firm, but do it humbly. Don't let people bully you - but in your strength don't bully others. Give space for the oddity of the other - for perhaps they speak of a part of God that we haven't yet grasped. Know I will always be proud of you and will love you forever. But if you want to know my deepest heart for you daughter, stay in the mystery for everyday is a discovery, every crisis an opportunity for growth, and every peaceful season a time to be thankful. God is bigger than you, His imagination even higher than yours (though it's hard for me to imagine as you dream so beautifully), so if you doubt it's okay - He can handle it. If you wonder know that He is larger than your wonderings. The Word of God is both in the Bible and the person of Jesus - dive into the waters of the Word. Trust in the Spirit as She guides your wondering and hold fast to Jesus for He is the Truth.

So mystery......

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you...."
Jeremiah 1:5

Your loving mother,


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